How Extra Life Works

1. Sign up on the Extra Life website.

You’ll receive a fundraising page where friends and family can donate to your efforts online. Customize it with a photo, and write a line or two about why you’re gaming for Boston Children’s. Join Extra Life now!

2. Fundraise for kids at Boston Children's.

Invite your best buds to support (or join!) your efforts! Share your fundraising page by email, social media and more. Ask coworkers, neighbors and your community to join you in your efforts to help the kids at Boston Children’s. It’s called FUNdraising—get creative with it! Not sure where to start? We’ll connect you with other Extra Life all-stars, best practices, and more. See below for the other ways we can support your efforts.

3. Play!

Join a tabletop party at a local gaming store. Host a house party with games of all kinds. Stream your favorite classic all day. Rally your coworkers for a tournament of epic proportions. There’s no wrong way to play. Feeling a little stuck? Think about what you love to play most and start there! 12 or 24 hours seem like too much? Break it up! Game Day is typically in November, but you can also choose a game day (or days) that works best for your schedule.

We’re here to help!

Our team will fill your tool belt with the best of the best, including:

  • Fundraising tips and tricks of the trade
  • Regular updates from both Boston Children’s Hospital and Extra Life
  • Boston Children’s Hospital tour
  • Invitation to our annual Extra Life Kick Off event and others along the way
  • The warm and fuzzy feelings that come from helping kids heal

Reach out if you have any questions! Contact

Join Extra Life Contact Us

Boston Children’s Hospital supports healthy, safe and controlled gaming. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s gaming, please visit or‐games/ for resources on healthy gaming habits for kids.

Test Page

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