Corporate Engagement

Touching the lives of New England

The Eversource Walk for Boston Children’s Hospital
This annual Boston tradition brings together thousands of families and raises millions of dollars to support research and care at Boston Children’s. We are thrilled that Eversource had been a proud sponsor for over eleven years, and has committed to be the named sponsor through 2020.

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Corporate giving that changes
a nation

New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s
In 2011, the New Balance Foundation made a decision to change the trajectory of the childhood obesity epidemic in America. They established the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s. Their exceptional generosity has had a tremendous impact on the strength and scope of our program, accelerating scientific inquiry that translates into interventions that work. New Balance most recently announced a landmark gift of $7.5M, bringing their cumulative giving to $18M.

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Insuring childhood safety

Fundacìon MAPFRE injury prevention van
Did you know injury is the number one cause of death and disability among children in the United States? Fundacìon MAPFRE and Boston Children’s have launched a five-year expansion of our Injury Prevention Program. Our shared goal: to reduce and prevent injuries endured by children and teenagers. The centerpiece of the program: an injury prevention van that reaches neighborhoods and schools throughout New England.

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How your company can give back

Generous companies are an essential part of fulfilling our mission—supporting programs that are most meaningful to them, their employees and customers. There are many ways your company can help the patients and families who rely on care at Boston Children's Hospital.

Corporate philanthropy »
Make a special gift impacting patients in our local community and around the globe.

Event sponsorship »
Sponsor one or more of our many annual fundraisers.

Cause marketing »
Show your existing and potential customers that you support a cause close to them.

Engage your employees »
Learn about how you can involve your employees.

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Hospital areas you can support

Learn about what's happening at Boston Children's and how you can help.

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Test Page

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec blandit ante. Donec in tincidunt orci. Sed eleifend ullamcorper consequat. Aenean aliquam quis justo laoreet condimentum. Fusce ultricies aliquam dolor vulputate mollis. Ut non consectetur neque. Cras porttitor faucibus odio. Phasellus sed ullamcorper nunc, nec feugiat ex.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sit amet sollicitudin dolor. Duis in eros dictum, molestie neque quis, accumsan nibh. Morbi eget diam sit amet lacus tempor hendrerit sed ac libero. Nulla id scelerisque urna. Fusce ut sollicitudin orci. Sed euismod massa quis massa accumsan, ut accumsan nibh elementum. Integer eget sem sapien. Quisque dignissim justo ac nibh pulvinar posuere nec eget lectus. Ut ornare volutpat fermentum. In consequat pretium facilisis.

Sed at dictum diam. Aenean eget ex volutpat, consectetur dolor nec, cursus quam. Mauris cursus mollis ligula, nec consectetur diam sodales id. Morbi congue orci non orci aliquam, non sodales dolor tincidunt. Donec nisl risus, pretium in ultrices ut, ultricies at erat. Nullam accumsan neque vel eros tristique consequat. Pellentesque et diam faucibus, blandit nisl quis, ultrices erat. Cras fermentum elementum nunc in luctus. Vestibulum id orci non libero venenatis aliquam nec eu nulla. Vestibulum eget nibh quis metus hendrerit consectetur. Nunc non sodales felis, et blandit felis. Duis massa lorem, porttitor sed erat non, laoreet facilisis nisl. Curabitur mattis turpis lorem, at rutrum metus commodo at.

In eget mattis massa. Integer nec erat tortor. Aenean aliquet leo ut magna mattis, quis pretium quam tincidunt. Morbi molestie fringilla lobortis. Morbi vel sem nulla. Aliquam vel metus consectetur, consectetur sapien eget, convallis sem. Nunc urna sapien, pretium a tortor id, viverra hendrerit lectus. Aenean rutrum tortor sapien, in lobortis ipsum scelerisque vitae. Suspendisse eget eros eget lacus auctor auctor at a neque. Morbi imperdiet auctor eros. Integer viverra pulvinar ante ac cursus.

Fusce fermentum lorem mollis accumsan vehicula. Duis diam elit, rhoncus ut lacus eu, rhoncus mattis massa. Aliquam fermentum nisl ac tempor malesuada. Donec dignissim aliquet nulla non efficitur. Curabitur egestas arcu id velit porta dictum. Duis quis justo et quam rhoncus gravida sed vitae nisl. Vivamus placerat venenatis hendrerit. Sed pharetra mattis metus, a dapibus ex aliquam a. Fusce finibus, enim efficitur consequat sollicitudin, sem dui luctus ex, ut tempor tortor est sit amet est. Cras vitae magna vulputate, tincidunt libero sed, pulvinar quam. Sed scelerisque ullamcorper orci sed finibus. Duis aliquet est ut rutrum bibendum.