Yawkey Family Inn

Families from around the world come to Boston Children's Hospital to ensure the best medical care for their sick kids. Many arrive in Boston with just the clothes on their backs and no temporary living arrangements. We opened the Yawkey Family Inn to ease the burden of families like these.

Located just blocks from the hospital, the Inn provides our patient families with affordable temporary housing. With 22 bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, a playroom, common areas and more, it offers all the comforts of home during families' greatest time of need.

A long history—and a bright future

A "Chateauesque" style house, the Inn was built on a 31,606-square-foot parcel of land in 1889 by visionary business leader Andrew Houghton. From 1925 to 1946, it served as home to the MIT chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. The Northeastern University Chapter of the Phi Gamma Pi fraternity took it over in 1955.

Fifty years later, the hospital was in search of an area property to convert into patient family housing. In a generous gesture, the fraternity offered the home to Boston Children's at a discounted price. A $3 million gift from the Yawkey Foundations made the 2006 purchase possible.

Renovations to the Inn began in 2008. The project was a success, thanks to the financial support of devoted donors; leadership from a group of young professionals on the Next Generation Developers Task Force; and companies such as NSTAR, BJ's Wholesale Club and Bob's Discount Furniture, which outfitted the house with many necessities.

The Inn opened its doors on June 1, 2009. Through the Inn and Devon Nicole House, also dedicated to patient families, the hospital serves nearly 1,700 families a year.


For more information:

Donate »
Make a gift in support of the Inn.

Reserve patient family housing:
Call 617-919-3450 or email us to make a reservation.

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