The Wonder Wall


A brilliant naming opportunity for you. Fun and joy for all.

The Wonder Wall, a display of over 900 multicolored lights, inspires joy—and offers you a lasting mark at Boston Children’s Hospital. The Wonder Wall is programmed with ten different displays and patterns, to push light out into the halls of Boston Children’s, all while offering messages of hope. With a gift of $3,000, you can inscribe a light with your own personal message.

Your personal light:

  • Includes your message of up to 50 characters
  • May celebrate someone special
  • Gives you a lasting way to delight and inspire families and kids
  • Is 2 ½” in diameter and shines in every color.


Where is the Wonder Wall?

The Wonder Wall is located at the main Boston campus, right across from our Patient Entertainment Center that overlooks the main lobby.

How many lights are available?

There are 957 lights available to inscribe. At this time, there are no plans to add more lights.

How long will my light be a part of the Wonder Wall?

Your light will remain part of the Wonder Wall for the life of the installation.

What message can I inscribe?

You can inscribe a message of your choice up to 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. Some examples:

  • In honor of the Stephenson Family
  • In tribute to Molly Wright
  • Get well! Love, Amy and Dan
  • Thank you Dr. Smith—the Apple Family

Will my light be inscribed as soon as I make my gift?

We inscribe lights twice per year—we’ll be sure to tell you when to expect it.

Will my gift be tax deductible?

Yes, your gift is 100% tax deductible! You’ll receive a tax receipt after making your gift.

What will my gift support at Boston Children’s?

Your gift will benefit the Every Child Fund, the most essential fund at Boston Children’s Hospital. Learn more here »

Can I designate my gift to a specific program or physician at the hospital?

All gifts made to the Wonder Wall support the Every Child Fund.

Can I personalize multiple lights?

Absolutely! You can make up to four gifts (securing up to four personalized lights) via the online form. For more than four, please contact Courtney McCurdy:; 857-218-4781.

Can I make my gift in installments?

We now offer the option of pledging your Wonder Wall gift over 2 years ($1,500/year) or the option of making monthly gifts over one year ($250/month).

Can I make a gift through a group fundraising effort?

Yes! You can now create a personal fundraising page and raise money to establish a Wonder Wall gift. Please note, the Wonder Wall light will not be inscribed until the full $3,000 is raised, and the fund cannot be restricted. All gifts will support the Every Child Fund, our area of greatest need.

Donate »

Your Impact

When you engrave a message, you support the Every Child Fund, the most essential fund at Boston Children’s Hospital. Every dollar you give has 100% impact, and brings us closer to ending disease for all children.

Learn more about the
Every Child Fund »


Contact Olivia Curreri:

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