Your support makes a world of difference at Boston Children’s Hospital. Learn about a few of the many programs strengthened by philanthropy by exploring the images with a + sign below. You can also read the full report, which recognizes gifts of $1,000 or more in 2013.


Connor spent 16 months
in the hospital,waiting for a double-lung transplant.
What did he miss most from home?
The weekly neighborhood pizza party.

With philanthropy, patients can enjoy the same rituals of home.


Art therapy is just one of the
many programs that help kids
find joy in the hospital.

Meet Tim, one of our artists-in-residence



Surgeons still close openings the
old-fashioned way—with needle and thread.
One of our top innovators, Pedro del Nido, MD,
is helping develop a safer, yet just-as-simple alternative: glue.
This allows our surgeons to work on the heart without
fear of piercing healthy tissue.


A couple welcomes their first-born child
along with a scary medical diagnosis.

Learn more about the Stovers



We created OpenPediatrics, a cloud-based
application built on IBM's social business platform,
to connect clinicians in more than
80 countries to share life-saving knowledge.

Learn why it matters


Generous donors combined with the
expertise of our injury prevention specialists
made a safe place to play a reality in the inner-city.

Kids and adults tried out the new
equipment at the groundbreaking celebration

Parties Parties Parties

Fundraising helped support the
development of bedside imaging for the
fragile newborn brain, allowing doctors to
make real-time decisions based on a baby's development.

Meet the inventors of BabyMEG


Our Community Asthma initiative takes care where
kids live and play. Helping families like Teyjhana's
understand asthma's triggers, they're now better equipped
to treat the illness before it escalates.
Today, Teyjhana is a star student and athlete—
and our care initiative has become a national model.


A welcome reprieve from
hospital hustle, the Cohen Family Garden
gives families like Poppy's a space
to just be together.


Connor spent 16 months in the hospital, waiting for a double-lung transplant. What did he miss most from home? The weekly neighborhood pizza party.

With philanthropy, patients can enjoy the same rituals of home.


Art therapy is just one of the many programs that help kids find joy in the hospital.

Meet Tim, one of our artists-in-residence


Surgeons still close openings the old-fashioned way—with needle and thread. One of our top innovators, Pedro del Nido, MD, is helping develop a safer, yet just-as-simple alternative: glue. This allows our surgeons to work on the heart without fear of piercing healthy tissue.


A couple welcomes their first-born child along with a scary medical diagnosis.

Learn more about the Stovers


We created OpenPediatrics, a cloud-based application built on IBM's social business platform, to connect clinicians in more than 80 countries to share life-saving knowledge.

Learn why it matters


Generous donors combined with the expertise of our injury prevention specialists made a safe place to play a reality in the inner-city.

Kids and adults tried out the new equipment at the groundbreaking celebration


Fundraising helped support the development of bedside imaging for the fragile newborn brain, allowing doctors to make real-time decisions based on a baby's development.

Meet the inventors of BabyMEG


Our Community Asthma initiative takes care where kids live and play. Helping families like Teyjhana's understand asthma's triggers, they're now better equipped to treat the illness before it escalates. Today, Teyjhana is a star student and athlete— and our care initiative has become a national model.


A welcome reprieve from hospital hustle, the Cohen Family Garden gives families like Poppy's a space to just be together.


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