Our Boards


Who We are

Boston Children’s Hospital Trust is the fundraising arm of Boston Children’s Hospital. We work with individuals, families, foundations and corporations to advance the hospital’s mission and improve the health of children everywhere. Donations support patient care, research, medical training and community health initiatives. 

Our Volunteers

Volunteer leaders are essential partners in our philanthropic mission to support Boston Children’s. Board members are champions for the hospital and child health and are influencers in local, national and global business, communities, and philanthropic circles. 

Boston Children’s Hospital Trust Board

Trust Board members promote philanthropic investment to advance the mission of Boston Children’s Hospital through fundraising initiatives and programs. They serve as ambassadors, provide strategic guidance and oversight, and are leading benefactors of the hospital. 

Jeffrey S. Barber
Udit Batra
Aixa Beauchamp
Shaun A. Benderson
Douglas A. Berthiaume (BCH Chairman)
Gary Bettman
Emma Blank
Jonathan F. Block
Lynne D. Capozzi
Wendy Chung, MD
Kevin B. Churchwell, MD
Tara B. Ciongoli
Ami A. Cipolla
Steven D. Corkin (Vice Chair)
Joel E. Cutler (Vice Chair)
Pedro De Garay Montero
Robert W. Eddy
Alexis B. Egan
Emilia Fazzalari
Steven J. Fishman, MD
Anthony A. Florence, Jr.
Jeffrey D. Furber
Robert E. Griffin (Chair)
David Gross
Hilary K. Grove
Karen R. Hale
Ranella J. Hirsch, MD
Elizabeth L. Hoffman  
Nancie M. Julian
Douglass E. Karp
Stephen R. Karp 
Solomon J. Kumin
Laraine Cohen Levy
Richard A. Mayo (Vice Chair)
Tiffany R. Mountz
Karen C. Nanji, MD, MPH 
Keith Palumbo
Ted Pappendick
Evan L. Rachlin, MD
Travis Rhodes
Rudina Seseri (Chair, Philanthropic Board of Advisors)
Matthew K. Sidman (Vice Chair)
Nicole M. Stata
Lynn Susman (President, BCH Trust)
Lisa Tabenkin (President, BCH League)
James F. Wade
Leila Zegna

Philanthropic Board of Advisors

Members of the Philanthropic Board of Advisors are hospital ambassadors who advocate for Boston Children's within their communities. They serve as key advisors and contributors to the hospital and its fundraising programs.

Rudina Seseri, Chair
Peter Lacaillade, Vice Chair
Jeremy Katz, Chair, Nominating Committee 
Katherine Saeli, Vice Chair, Nominating Committee 
Charlie Davies, Chair, Engagement Committee
Susie Tapley, Vice Chair, Engagement Committee

Mary Aggarwal
Jerilyn Asher
Erin Azrack
R. Scott Balkan
Jeffrey Barnett
Jonathan Blotner
Susan Boney
Kate Bowen
Molly Breuer
Timothy Cahalane
Steven Calhoun
Thomas Campbell
John Capone
Holly Cardinale
Rose Carpenter
Andrew Corkin
Paul Czerwinski
Jeremiah Daly
Kimberly Davis
Milo Dee
Leilah Del Papa
Eric Draeger
Ben Fischman
Janelle Foligno
Mark Froot
Janet Glazer
Jason Goins
Heather Goldberg
Gaby Santana Goldstein
Gene Gorbach
Elizabeth Gordon
Ryan Gunther
Michael Hamra
Morgan Holzaepfel
Theresa Hopkins-Staten
Evan Hornbuckle
Brian Hunsicker
Steven Iannacone
Thomas Jennings
Natalia Jereissati
Hongyu Jiang
David Kaplan, Jr.
Kyle Karp
Daniel Kelley
Marshall Kiev
Katherine Kolb
Amy Kozlowski
Clint Lawrence
Kevin Leary
Christopher Lin
Jessica Lutzker
Marisa Marino
Michael Masdea
Joe Massoud
Emily McComb
Josh McDaniels
Kat Mello
Britt Melsheimer
Ann Merrill
Michael Merrill
Robert Morrissey
Gavin Moseley
Lara Fox Moskowitz
Mindy Munger
Monica Neuman
Wendy Nicholson
Anna Noon
Sean O’Neill
Mark Pasculano
Justin Pierce
John Plansky
Malcolm Roberts
Kate Robinson
Lisa Rosen
Neal Rosenberg
Thomas Rosenbloom
Ann Ryan
Matthew Ryan
Charlie Schewe
Jordan Scott
Tanya Shah
Nada Siddiqui
Alexis Solder
Eileen Sporing
Kevin Sullivan
Shawn Thornton
Krista Toms
Zak Tramonti
Jane Levy Vance
David Wagner
Naomi Weinberg
John White
Diana Wood
John Wright
Kyle York

Honorary PBoA

Roger Berkowitz
Gillis Cashman
Michael Frieze
Charles Gifford
Thomas Gimbel
Rudman Ham
Ellen Jaffe
David Kaplan Jill Karp
Joan Kennedy 
Laraine Levy 
Joan Lynch
James Morton
Thomas O'Neill
Bess Pappas 
Steven Perlmutter 
Nancy Potter 
Jeffrey Sánchez 
Roger Saunders 
Anne Stone
Barry Sylvetsky 
Leslyn Thorne

Board Emeriti Council

The Emeriti Council is comprised of select former Trust Board members. Recognized for their outstanding service and contributions, council members continue to act as advisors and ambassadors for the hospital and stay engaged through educational opportunities and committee assignments.

Nancy S. Anthony
Steven W. Barnes
Michael Bronner
Alan L. Crane
Susan J. Curtin
Robert J. Davis
Anthony J. DiNovi
Paul B. Edgerley
John R. Egan
Pamela C. Egan, PharmD
Daniel S. Farb
Gail Federici-Smith
April Derderian Fellows
Keith B. Gelb
Stephen W. Kidder
Jonathan A. Kraft
Jonathan S. Lavine
Cynthia C. Lawry
Seth W. Lawry
Stephen D. Lebovitz
Martin J. Mannion
Paul R. Marcus
Joseph C. McNay
Joseph R. Nolan, Jr.
Daniel J. Nova
James J. Pallotta
George W. Phillips
Rudolph F. Pierce, Esq.
James A. Radley
Jeffrey M. Robinson
Steven B. Samuels
Edward L. Shapiro
Robert J. Small
Maximilian D. Stone
Beth F. Terrana
Ann Thornburg
Jane G. Weitzman

Venture Philanthropy Network

This group of visionary donors pools philanthropic funds to support promising translational research projects in the early stages of development. This novel approach is paving the way for innovations in pediatric health care.

Jeffrey Barber & Kimberly Hsu-Barber
Matthew & Susan Botein 
Mike & Casey Buckley
Jackson Loomis & Bihua Chen
Brian & Eleanor Chu 
Steve & Nisha DuBois** 
Daniel & Shoshana Farb* 
Peter & Sara Fleiss 
Adam Koppel & Brenda Haynes
Paul & Rachel Liberman 
Joshua & Jessica Lutzker
Matthew & Stephanie Magee
James Mooney
Peter & Yvette Mulderry 
Farhad & Karen Nanji 
Ted & Erica Pappendick* 
Craig & Bianca Peskin 
Evan & Alexa Rachlin 
Travis & Rachel Rhodes 
Jack & Alissa Sebastian 
Matthew & Lori Sidman
Brian & Stephanie Spector 
Herb & Charlotte Wagner
Jason Weiner & Nicole Zatlyn

**Vice Chair

Boston Children's Mission and Impact
Kevin B. Churchill CEO of Boston Children's Hospital
Mission & Impact
CEO’s Circle of Impact
Learn more about CEO’s Circle of Impact
A group of five children smiling and hugging each other
Mission & Impact
Health Equity
Learn more about Health Equity
Three children sit on a tree and smile at the camera. They are hugging and holding hands, and a lush green forest can be seen in the background.
Mission & Impact
Global Impact
Learn more about Global Impact