A Little Sister Inspires Big Efforts

Mekalia Mason's duct tape crafts lend beauty to otherwise ordinary things. From a flower blooming at the top of a pen to a glittery bow dressing up a basic barrette, the 16-year-old has a flair for bringing brightness into unexpected places.

Mekalia knows a lot about looking for silver linings—and creating her own. She and her family have spent a great deal of time at Boston Children's Hospital. It began when her five-year-old sister Reaghan was diagnosed with Chiari malformation, an abnormality at the base of the skull where the brain meets the spinal cord.

Luckily, doctors caught the condition early and performed surgery before Reaghan developed more serious complications. During her treatment, Mekalia wandered into a playroom established for patients and families.

"All the kids there had undergone brain surgeries. I wanted to do something to brighten their day," she remembers. "The room had tons of arts-and-crafts stuff, and I got the idea to teach them how to make a flower out of duct tape."

Mekalia had been trying to think of a way to show support for her sister and gratitude for the care Reaghan was receiving.

"I'm part of a lot of charities at my school," notes the high school sophomore. "We have a hard time raising money if we just stand outside the door with a bucket." Seeing the response of the kids and moms in the playroom that day sparked an idea: She would sell her duct tape creations to benefit Boston Children's.

Turning a beloved craft into something special

Mekalia used her Christmas money to stock up on duct tape, and her new project, "Duck and Donate," was born.

"I do a lot of craft fairs and flea markets," she says. "At first, it was just duct tape flowers, but now I make everything. I love it. It's so much fun. My friends are always laughing at me because I bring duct tape everywhere I go."

People interested in a unique and eye-catching wallet or accessory can visit Mekalia's website and see the range of her designs in every imaginable color and pattern. Every penny of profit, nearly $900 so far, goes to Boston Children's to help wherever it's needed.

As for Reaghan's health: While surgery is not a complete cure for Chiari malformation, she's thriving today.

"My sister is doing a lot better. She's going to school, she's functioning, she's completely normal," Mekalia exclaims. "They still check her every couple of months. They are staying on top of it, and they haven't seen any signs of the Chiari coming back.

"She loves to help me with the project. She says when she grows up she wants to be like me, which makes me really proud."

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