Frequently Asked Questions

What is Miracle Network Dance Marathon?

Miracle Network Dance Marathon is a movement activating university, middle and high school students at more than 300 schools across North America—all raising money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a non-profit organization that raises funds for 170 member hospitals across the country.

Where does the money go?

All funds raised benefit the Every Child Fund at Boston Children’s Hospital, the top pediatric hospital in the United States. Your participation supports Boston Children’s lifesaving work for children and families.

Why should my school do a Miracle Network Dance Marathon?

TO HELP KIDS: Your support empowers Boston Children’s to respond to a changing world with one goal: to give every child a healthy future.

TO BENEFIT YOU: Dance Marathon will give you real-world, resume quality, hands-on experience. How? You’ll gain valuable leadership skills while managing this yearlong fundraiser, its various committees and events.

TO BENEFIT YOUR SCHOOL: Dance Marathon unites the student body around a local cause, creating a tradition of giving among students.

How do I start a Miracle Network Dance Marathon?

Contact us! It’s best if you find administrative support at your school before reaching out to us about starting a Dance Marathon. We recommend you have an advisor who can assist you throughout the planning process. Boston Children’s Hospital has staff that will mentor your planning committee, and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals also has Dance Marathon managers who will share best practices from successful events nationwide.

Do we have to fundraise?

Yes, Dance Marathon is a fundraiser for kids at Boston Children’s Hospital. The staff at Boston Children’s and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals will help you brainstorm fundraising ideas that will work at your school if you’re having difficulty.

How do we fundraise?

Most Dance Marathons will have each participant fundraise a minimum amount to attend the event and ensure everyone is fundraising for the kids. Your school can decide what is reasonable for your participants.

Some schools will host fundraising activities throughout the year. The most common way participants fundraise is by asking friends and family. Boston Children’s Hospital will help your Dance Marathon set up an online fundraising site—each participant will also get their own personal fundraising page. Participants can send out emails and post their fundraising link online to spread the word. Boston Children’s will also supply resources for writing a fundraising letter to send friends and family.

Together with the Children’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon Manager, Boston Children's will provide fundraising guidance, resources and share best practices and tips.

How long does my Miracle Network Dance Marathon have to be?

This decision will be made after conversations between you, your advisors and the staff at Boston Children’s Hospital. High school Dance Marathons are often shorter than at a college or university. High school Dance Marathons range from 4 to 8 hours, and college or university Dance Marathons range from 8 to 12 hours.

Do we have to dance the entire time?

No, dancing is just one aspect of a Dance Marathon. The only requirements include no sitting, sleeping or drinking caffeine. Your event should be filled with other fun activities that participants will enjoy like games, kid-friendly activities and any other physical activity your venue will allow. For example, if your Dance Marathon is held in your school gym, consider a dodgeball tournament during the event.

Who conducts Miracle Network Dance Marathons?

Nationwide, more than 300 schools participate in this fast-growing tradition by raising funds for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Many schools conduct a variety of fundraisers throughout the year, culminating in a single “dance party”—a school-wide event with unforgettable dancing, music, games, activities and more—all in celebration of kids treated at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Will Boston Children’s Hospital Patient Families and/or Staff be at our Dance Marathon?

Throughout the planning process, Boston Children’s Hospital staff will always make sure schools are fully supported and have access to all the appropriate resources necessary. There are some parameters and guidelines to determine if patient families and/or staff will attend the event. For applicable schools, we will try our best to have a patient family in attendance but can never guarantee this as the patient families volunteer their time to attend.

Get Started


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Thanks to our Dance Marathon schools

Belmont Hill School
Boston College
Boston University
Brookline High School
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Harvard College
Natick High School
Newton South High School
Nichols College
Northeastern University
Reading Memorial High School
Sharon High School
Simmons College
Tufts University
UMass Dartmouth
University of New Hampshire
Westborough High School
Winthrop High School
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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