Fundraising Guidelines

It is important for community fundraisers to align with the mission and image of Boston Children’s Hospital. We ask all fundraisers to follow these guidelines, as these events help spread the word about the life-changing care and world-changing research happening at Boston Children’s. Thank you for representing us so well.


  • We must review everything with our name or logo on it prior to distribution.
  • Boston Children’s may only be identified as your event’s beneficiary. For example, your fundraiser can’t be called Boston Children’s Hospital Ride for the Kids; it should be Ride for the Kids benefiting Boston Children’s Hospital.
  • If Boston Children’s is one of several beneficiaries, the percentage or amount of proceeds that benefit the hospital must be clearly stated on all materials.
  • To avoid duplicate solicitations, we ask that you notify us before asking a business or company for a donation, cash or in-kind.
  • For your event to be posted on our Facebook page, the revenue goal must be at least $50,000. If the fundraiser is new, you must show evidence that the event will meet the revenue goal. Events that do not meet the minimum may still be considered.


  • Fundraisers of 100+ participants cannot be scheduled on the same day as an event hosted by Boston Children’s Hospital without our prior approval.
  • You’re responsible for covering event expenses and will not be reimbursed by Boston Children’s. If you are paying for expenses, please deduct these from the funds raised prior to sending your donation check. Your expenses shouldn’t exceed 30% of funds raised. We maintain an average fundraising ratio of 22% and strongly encourage the same standard.
  • No bank accounts in the name of “Boston Children’s Hospital” can be set up to hold funds from a community fundraiser.
  • You’re responsible for obtaining any required permits as well as a certificate of insurance for the event.


  • All proceeds need to be made payable to Boston Children’s Hospital and mailed to us within 30 days of completing your fundraiser. Please mail your donation in the envelopes we provided.
  • To schedule a check presentation to present your event donation, you must notify your contact at Boston Children’s Hospital Trust at least one week in advance and agree on a mutual date and time.
  • Boston Children’s will issue IRS compliant charitable tax receipts to the full extent of the law if the gift is made payable to Boston Children’s. Please do not promise any receipt to your donors as issuing an inappropriate receipt can put Boston Children’s charitable tax status in jeopardy.
  • When advertising any items in a silent or live auction you must display the fair market value. No items can be priceless because the donor will not be eligible for a tax receipt. Boston Children’s will only issue IRS compliant tax receipts if the donor pays beyond the fair market value and if payment is made payable directly to Boston Children’s Hospital.

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Bring Dance Marathon to your school

Join the national movement. Organize an ongoing fundraiser, culminating in an unforgettable “dance party” filled with music, games, activities and more. Every dollar raised supports the kids at Boston Children’s.

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