About Empower

What is empower?

Empower honors our power as employees to make Boston Children's the amazing place we're all proud of. Together, through our giving, we create a better experience for our patients, their families—and ourselves.

Where do donations go?

Your gift goes to our Every Child Fund to provide care, fund vital patient services not covered by insurance and fuel promising research. You can also direct your gift to a specific area of the hospital.

Without donations, our hospital would struggle to provide the extras that make Boston Children's care and research the best in the country.

See your empact.

How do I join empower?

Give in any way that works for you. You can:

  • give a one-time gift
  • have your donation deducted regularly from your paycheck
  • sign up to give monthly
  • make a gift in honor of someone
  • attend one of our fundraising events (They're fun. Trust us.)
  • volunteer, fundraise or support someone who is fundraising for Boston Children's

How can I crowdfund a project for my department?

You can raise funds for a specific area or need through our Fundraise Your Way program, once you have approval from the department vice president. Along with access to fundraising tips and tools, staff members at the Trust can help guide you. Learn more.

What's in it for me?

Employee giving helps our patients and makes Boston Children's a better place to work. Plus, it feels good to give, especially to support a mission you believe in and work towards every day. And, your gift is tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Why does a hospital as big as Boston Children's need my help?

There's not a corner of the hospital that isn't touched by donations. Gifts fill funding gaps that turn promising research into new treatments. They provide vital services that aren't covered by insurance, like child life and pet therapy. Gifts allow us to expand our campus, upgrade our buildings and tools, hire the best (people like you)—and deliver the nation's best care.

Every donation, no matter the size, helps.